Sunday, September 23, 2007

Problems with some movies & sitcoms to Watchers!

I am a TV watcher and I and thousands of people who watches TV Movies or Sitcoms (TV Series) have no place or website to let the producer director know the serious problems with their shows. We just stop watching the show completely. We don’t want to stop watching the shows but we have no choice but doing that because the P. & D. don’t allow us to give an opinion on how to critic or give an opinion on what we don’t like on that show. One of the worse things we see on sitcoms is sounds. We have a serious problem with sitcoms because they have too much music, very loud sounds, and moving cameras too slow or fast which makes us dizzy. The worst problem is sound and loud music which takes from the show what the actors or actresses are trying to say on the show. All we hear is music. We can’t hear what they are saying. We end up with stress and anxiety and we hate it and we change the channel to watch a show that you can hear the words in the sitcoms. Any sitcom we can’t hear the words and too much loud music we change the channel to show that we can hear the words. So I recommend that you completely lower or eliminate the stupid music you have on your sitcoms. Other wise millions of us viewers will just pass you by. One of my favorite shows is Ghost Whisperer Sitcoms. I like to watch this show and I love Jennifer Love Hewitt. But the problem is not Jennifer; it is the music that is tooooooo loud to understand what she is saying. Eliminate the music in the show completely and we will go back to watch it. That goes to many shows and movies which have the same problem.


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